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What is Cranial Sacral Solution?

Cranial Sacral Solution is a focused and directional hands on treatment that may provide relief from a variety of symptoms. Relieving tension in the nervous system. Giving the client a feeling of well being by eliminating pain. 

Who founded Cranial Sacral Unwinding?

Cranial Sacral Unwinding was created by Gary Strauss. He founded the Life Energy Institute located in New York. He has been training practitioners in New York, California and Arizona for years. For more information, please visit www.Lifeenergyinstitute.net 

How is Cranial Sacral Solution different than other forms of Massage?

In a nut shell, we will completely regulate your nervous system and align your energy body. Melding it all together. With Cranial Sacral, the client lays on their back fully clothed during the session. 

What can I expect during a session? 

Deep relaxation. A sense of lightness in your body. You may also feel energy move. Physical vibration. This includes feelings in different parts of your body than where my hands are at the time. Clients have reported feelings of water, heat, earth, air. 

What can I expect after a session?

A sense of hieghtened physical mobility. Feeling of more “Space” in your body. Clients have reported feeling the sense of whole body renewal with a sense of lightness and flexibility. It is suggested to remain hydrated and rest for the remainder of the day following your session. 

Ive tried everything. Will this help me?

Some clients have informed me that they have tried many different forms of healing. This includes the family doctor, regular visits to the chiropractor, acupuncture, physical therapy and massage. Just to name a few. Many of my clients have reported having results from this practice that achieve, or go beyond their past experiences. 

Are there any side effects?

Some clients have reported having muscle spasms and body vibration for a day or two following a session. This simply means that the body is still processing the transformation. After 1-3 days time, the body regulates and the client feels better than ever. Others have reported light bruising or slight pain in certain areas for a day or two. 

What should I wear?

It is recommeded to wear comfortable pants or shorts. Not Jeans or a belt. A comfortable shirt with a v neck if possible or a tank top is best. Clients are welcome to change their clothes in our restroom before and after the session as needed. 

Do you use essential oils during the session?

Yes, I normally do. I use Young living products. I understand that some clients have sensitive skin and/or sensitive to smells and fragrance. Please inform me ahead of time and I will make adjustments for you. 

Is one session enough?

Some clients recieve everything they need after one session. Others have come to me dozens of times. Each person is different and we will discuss what is best for you. I offer single sessions and a discounted four session package.