"Make Cranial Sacral...YOUR Solution"

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Hello, Im "CranialCole", I've been involved with holistic, homeopathic medicine since I was a child. Growing up on a farm in Iowa, I was shown how to plant seeds, work hard, and reap the harvest. My family utilized a naturopath and a chiropractor. As a child, I loved visiting the southwest. Music is, and was a huge part of my life. I taught myself how to play the guitar and sing from an early age. In my early adult life, I discovered Craniosacral therapy, Reiki and Yoga. I was amazed by the Reiki Energy and in addition, learning yoga, took me to a new levels of awareness. I was gifted a cranial session from a friend. Loved it! I then decided to become attuned to Usui Reiki II. Shortly after, I became a certified yoga instructor through the Yoga Alliance. I created and built a successful hot yoga studio in Iowa that still, to this day, is a successful hot yoga studio! During those years, I dedicated to learning about our physical posture, safe modifications, and the healing elements involved for me, and my students/Clients. Ive Completed 200hr Cranial training SWIHA in Tempe. Along with my intuitive guidance, I have now built a healing sequence of movements that work to help relieve physical/ energetic pain and imbalance in and around the body. If you've tried everything else, and you still need help, contact me for a free consultation or go ahead and schedule your session NOW.

"Once I knew only darkness and stillness... my life was without past or future... but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living."
- Helen Keller -

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